Product Review: Skinny Beef
What is Skinny Beef?
Skinny Beef is USDA inspected, Grass Fed, Grass Finished, Hormone Free, Antibiotic Free, Low Calorie, High Protein, 98% Lean - 2% Fat Ground Beef.

Yes, you read that right, and yes this does exist! Athletes understand the benefits of red meat, but they are also aware of possible health risks when it comes to grain fed commercial beef. Not to mention that the lowest fat content typically available in stores is 7-9% fat. With skinny beef, you get less than half of the Calories of 80/20 Ground Beef and one tenth the amount of fat, allowing you to easily fit this beef into many types of diet and nutrition meal plans.

Skinny beef is conveniently delivered to your front door; guaranteed fresh and frozen in a foam cooler with dry ice via FedEx (Domestic orders only).
Skinny beef is produced at the Joffer Family Ranch in Jacksonville, Oregon. You will receive eight 16oz packages with each delivery (8 pounds).
The beef has an incomparable taste and flavor. We used literally no seasoning when cooking this ground beef in a pan on the stove top for taco meat.
When using a George Forman grill (not that you need it) the burgers drained essentially no fat versus other types of beef and turkey burgers.

Lastly, this stuff is so good we had to share it with friends. We grilled it at a friends house outdoors on a gas grill for that authentic burger taste and feel. We didn't tell them where the meat was from or what to expect. We simply brought it over and cooked it up as if it was any other type of burger meat and they were blown away, asking questions and how we cooked such good burgers. Finally, we told them where it was from and what skinny beef was all about and they were absolutely amazed and excited.
We were also very happy to see that Skinny Beef is on the My Fitness Pal app database for those of you who track your macros.

Personally, we have added this into our weekly meal plans. This product is truly something special, as red meat was something we only consumed maybe twice or three times a month, especially being on a lower calorie meal plan. Now, one whole pound of ground beef only costs us 480 calories and 8 grams of fat, not to mention all of the health benefits of quality red meat with none of the harmful effects of excess fat or added hormones and antibiotics.
Skinny Beef is available at and you can receive a 10% discount with the discount code 'coach'.