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Supplement Spotlight: IFN Most Wanted

ironforged most wanted

Most Wanted by Iron Forged Nutrtion (IFN) combines two of the most potent natural compounds available today for an unrivaled product. Safe for Women/Men and anyone healthy enough to undergo a workout routine over the age 18. We feel that Most Wanted will be the product that everyone has longed for, something natural that provides great results as close to steroids as you can get without the negative health consequences, in fact it could provide many positive health benefits which we will talk about more below. We have personally used this product in house at Modern Athletic Health on several occasions and are happy to provide readers with a discount code for purchases at the conclusion of this article.

laxogenin most wanted

The first ingredient is 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin which has been complexed with cyclodextrin for an unheard of level of absorption until now. Yielding an A/A ratio similar to that of Anavar, studies have shown protein synthesis to be increased up to 200% Which is key for tissue acquirement and efficient recovery, which is amazing for a natural product. Many use Laxogenin for injury and surgery repair as it has shown to regenerate the healing process by 10 fold. It is currently being tested for shoulder repair, knee surgery and general anabolic regeneration issues related to aging. Laxogenin also controls cortisol very well which is an extremely catabolic hormone that we want to control as athletes, additionally it has shown to be anti-inflammatory which is always a benefit to the hard training individual.

Users will also experience body fat reduction while using this compound from the balancing of cortisol response which is key to healthy recovery and reduction of muscle wasting and increasing thyroid function along with balancing glucose levels. The catabolic, or destruction of mature healthy cells, has been a problem for researchers and nothing on the market has shown to be better for repairing or regenerating cellular decline than Laxogenin.

So what causes it to work? Laxogenin signals muscle cells into an anabolic state, promoting nitrogen retention and utilizing more of your protein intake for lean tissue. Laxogenin also exhibits an adaptogenic effect that works with your physiological systems for your own needs. In turn, this permits anabolism and will take your physique and performance to new levels.

The second compound utilized in Most Wanted is 20-Beta Ecdysterone also complexed with cyclodextrin. Ecdysterone is great for promoting a positive nitrogen balance in the body, helping with tissue regeneration and strength increases at a more rapid rate, while helping maintain blood glucose levels which will allow you to absorb your nutrients more efficiently. It happens to exist as a compound in the herbs Rhaponticum/Leuzeae and Cyanotis vaga, and is therefore a naturally occurring phytochemical. Until recently; however, it was not easily available. Although Ecdysterone has been known and tested in Russia since 1988, it never received much attention because there existed no cost-effective way to extract it. Russian researchers and scientists had a very pure version developed, but it was costly…$20,000 per kilogram. The only other choice was Suma extract, which contained so little ecdysterone that it would have been ineffective as a viable ecdysterone-supplementation option.

ecdy most wanted

Within in the past few years, companies specializing in the extraction of high potency compounds from herbs have developed a way to extract concentrated ecdysterone standardized up to 98%! The breakthrough technology, in-vitro cell cultivation, provided the needed purity and concentration of ecdysterone to make it a viable option for economical supplementation. This is great news for anyone wanting to increase lean muscle mass, decrease fat and improve performance.

How Does Ecdysterone Work?

The single most important factor in maximizing muscle growth is environment. Ecdysterone works to create the “perfect” muscle-building environment in the body, among other positive effects. The perfect conditions for creating the perfect muscle building environment include maintaining a positive nitrogen balance and increasing protein synthesis along with intelligent, consistent exercise and a balanced diet rich in protein. It’s long been understood that if the body was able to maintain the perfect anabolic environment, maximum muscle growth would occur.

Maintaining positive nitrogen balance and increased protein synthesis without also incurring hormonal side-effects was the trick. This is why researchers became so enthralled with ecdysterone when Doctor Burdette in 1963 found that ecdysterone enhanced the rate of protein synthesis. This was the beginning of over 50 studies showing the remarkable effects of ecdysterone on the body while simultaneously showing no side effects. Now, with the increased economical availability of pure concentrated ecdysterone, the picture is finally becoming more complete. Ecdysterone has been tested for its effects on work capacity, immune function, lean body mass, and fat loss, among other variables in a number of scientific studies. The vast majority of research indicates an increase in test subjects’ lean mass. Results were further improved when ecdysterone was consumed with protein. Increase Protein Synthesis and Invoke Positive Nitrogen Balance Studies conducted in the Soviet Union in 1988 showed ecdysterone helps “increase hepatic protein synthesis and subsequently promote positive nitrogen balance!” How does this lead to more muscle mass? Simply: “the more nitrogen your body maintains and the greater rate of protein synthesis, the more mass, period.”

How, exactly, does ecdysterone do this? V. Smetanin, researcher of the Smolenk State Medical Institute in Russia speculates that ecdysterone decreases urea concentration in the body and increases hemoglobin levels by increasing a process called erythropoiesis. Erythropoiesis is the development of mature red blood cells. This leads to a stimulation of the anabolic process in protein metabolism, which in turn leads to a positive nitrogen balance in the body. Increase Lean Muscle Mass While Reducing Body Fat The most often quoted ecdysterone scientific study was published in Scientific Sports Bulletin by S. Simakin in 1988. The objective of Simakin’s famous study was to determine the effect of ecdysterone on muscle tissue mass and fat mass, while testing for hormonal changes in the subjects. For the study, three control factors were used: a placebo, protein, and ecdysterone with protein. The results were significantly in favor of the third factor. Of the 78 highly trained male and female athletes who consumed just protein, they showed only a slight increase in muscle mass for the 10 day period of time. Those who used a placebo lost a slight amount of lean muscle, while those who used protein plus ecdysterone showed a 6-7% increase in lean muscle tissue with nearly a 10% reduction in fat! Let me say that again: A 10% reduction in fat and a 7% increase in lean muscle tissue in just 10 days! Safety testing was conducted during the same time period which showed no difference in hormonal balance. If ecdysterone plus protein can do this for highly trained athletes, just think what it can do for the average person!

Increase Stamina, Endurance, and Energy

Ecdysterone was tested in another study performed in 1986 by B.Ya Smetanin. For this research, 117 highly trained speed skaters between the ages of 18 and 28 were tested for work capacity, body weight, lung capacity and VO2 max. The results speak for themselves: all of the said parameters increased as well as an increase in the O2 pulse max and an increase in the exhalation of CO2. Basically, they received more oxygen to their cells! This equates to decreasing recovery time, maximizing performance, permitting optimal muscle anabolism and maximum fat reduction. It also means the athletes using ecdysterone compared to those on a placebo experienced increased stamina, endurance and energy. That’s not all! A study conducted using 112 athletes performed by B.G. Fadeev in Russia showed some very impressive overall results. However, by this time, the results should come as no surprise. 89% of those who supplemented with ecdysterone versus a placebo reported less fatigue, greater performance, more motivation, greater speed, and improved strength.

How long did it take before these athletes reported these effects?

Months? Weeks? No, five days. To make matters even better, no adverse side effects were reported. How much should be taken? Are there any side effects? That’s the best part! As you already know by now, research studies show no negative side effects, no hormonal interactions, and a very low toxicity level for ecdysterone. When tested by ICN Biochemicals on December 31, 1998, a complete safety test was performed to determine the toxicity. The data showed the amount of ecdysterone one would have to take in order to reach toxicity. The amount? 6400 mg/kg! In other words, an average 170lb person would have to take 494,528 mg of the compound to reach this point! This is 4,121 times as much as the recommended dose. Now keep in mind, this is for the standard Ecdysterone not the Cyclodextrin complexed compound that we are utilizing in MOST WANTED. The complexed version is much more potent due to the incredible increase in bioavailability.

We do not want users thinking more is better. Too much of anything can cause a potential for negative side effects even with a safe compound like Ecdysterone or 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin. Ecdysterone has an incredibly low toxicity. Furthermore, endocrine testing showed that ecdysterone caused no effect whatsoever on the mammalian hormonal system. Testing was measured on testosterone, cortisol, insulin, ACTH, growth hormone, and luteinizing hormone. The data not only shows ecdysterone to be extremely safe, but also effective as well! Research shows that Ecdysterone has greater anabolic action on contractile proteins than that of Methandrostenolone (Dianabol aka D-bol) but with none of the negative health effects of steroids. The problem with most Ecdysterone products is the dosing, companies haven’t utilized the proper amounts of Ecdy to get the desired results, of course until now. IFN is giving you an extremely efficient form of Ecdy to get the desired effects you’re looking for out of this ingredient. We have yet to see the true potential of ecdysterone but this product will change that by using the Cyclodextrin complexed Ecdysterone with the proper dosing.

most wanted label

Research-backed Ecdysterone supplementation properties:

•A Drastic Increase in Lean Body Mass •Increased Endurance •Stimulates Metabolism •Improves Nerve Function and Enhances Erythropoiesis (the development of mature red blood cells (erythrocytes)) •Decreases Blood Sugar •Reduces Adipose Tissue •Improves Nearly Every Bodily Function Including Brain and Liver •It’s Safe and Effective for Men, Women, and Even Teenagers •Prevents the Loss of Muscle Mass while Promoting Growth of Muscle Fibers Not to mention: It does all this with absolutely no reported side effects, making it safe beyond reproach. •No Negative Side Effects •No Virilization •No Conversion into Estrogenic Compounds •No Liver Toxicity •No High Blood Pressure •No Testicular Shrinkage •No effects on the hormonal system in mammals including humans •Incredibly Low Toxicity Levels (Over 4,000 times that which a person should consume) Complete List: •Increases protein synthesis •Improves nearly every bodily function •Stimulates protein synthesis in nervous tissue and increases nerve function •Increases anabolic growth in vertebrates including humans •Increases total protein and glycogen content in muscles •Increases myofibril proteins more efficiently than the anabolic steroids Methandrostenolone, the most potent steroid, Dianabol •Suppresses hypoglycemia while powerfully stabilizing blood sugar levels •Perfect glycemic regulator leading to constant energy and feeling of well-being •Stimulates incorporation of glycogen into protein acetous tissue such as liver and muscle •Prevents high blood sugar levels and high insulin levels thereby halting fat production •Pushes nutrients into muscle and organ tissue yielding better muscle growth and repair •Possesses potent cholesterol-lowering effect •Stimulates the phospholipids that are linked to enormous health benefits when stimulated •Lowers cholesterol having a potent hepatoprotective action •Cell membrane stabilizing properties •Anti-arrhythmia stabilizing properties •Restorative action on atherosclerosis •Analgesic properties and a potent antioxidant effect •Powerful anti-inflammatory properties •Works against high cortisol levels as an anti-catabolic agent by reducing/eliminating stressors such as inflammation, preventing cortisol from being released •Positive effect on the skin improving: keratinization, differentiation and acne •Vastly increases athletic performance by increasing work capacity, body-weight, lung capacity, and VO2 max while also increasing exhalation of CO2. •Increases lean muscle tissue and reduces adipose content •Reduces fatigue and apathy, yet increases speed and strength •Promotes a positive nitrogen balance and maintains a greater rate of protein synthesis

Prepare yourself for what could be the single most important Advancement in bodybuilding since steroids…

Most Waned is available exclusively at Be sure to use discount code MAH5 for 5% off your order.



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