Nuvital Super Spinach Review

In an industry prided on “super pumps, extreme energy, and 50% instant strength increases” we sometimes look past the ‘basic’ supplements that exist for our overall health and wellness. No, we’re not talking about protein or creatine, but a simple vegetable that can help all facets of our health: Spinach. Well, red spinach extract to be exact.
Turns out that Popeye was actually on to something this whole time!
We would like to introduce Nuvital, a brand new company to the supplement world, and their first product to hit the market, Super Spinach.
Super spinach is an ultra-concentrated Red Spinach Extract designed to help you improve workouts, promote healthy circulation, improve phytonutrient consumption, and boost your natural energy and stamina. This small product packs a big punch, and most importantly, has the science to back it up. We had the opportunity to try Super Spinach in BOTH flavors that Nuvital offers and decide whether or not this stuff was the real deal. Keep reading to see what we thought of Nuvital’s new Super Spinach daily powder.
What is Red Spinach Extract?
If you haven’t heard the hype on Red Spinach Extract, don’t worry, we hadn’t either until about a month ago. After some research, it’s safe to say the hype isn’t just hype, its facts.
Red Spinach Extract has similar biological responses to beet root extract. For those who are into chasing the pump every workout, you’ll know that beet root extract has been a staple in pre-workout products for years because of its nitrate content and ability to give you those muscle gorging, skin swelling pumps during your workout. The difference is Super Spinach’s Red Spinach Extract is a beefed up, more potent, and healthier alternative to beet root extract. Numerous studies have shown that red spinach extract contains up to 5x more nitrate content than Beet Root Extract, while also having a neutral pH. Beet Root Extract is slightly acidic and can actually give some users a bit of a stomach issue when consumed in larger quantities. Due to the higher bioavailability of nitrates in Red Spinach Extract, you will see and feel a stronger nitric oxide effect which can in turn provide you with better pumps in the gym, improved circulation and blood pressure, and improved movement of nutrients throughout the blood stream.

Another awesome benefit of Red Spinach Extract over Beet Root Extract is its lack of oxalates. Oxalates prevent the absorption of important minerals within your body. A study suggests that Beet Root Extract has been found to contain anywhere from 8%-20% oxalates which can seriously mess up your bodies nutrient levels. Red Spinach Extract is 100% oxalate free which means you don’t have to worry about symptoms such as increases in inflammation, kidney stones, and sore and achy joints!
Possibly the greatest asset about incorporating a product like Super Spinach into your diet is the fact that it is sugar free, gluten free, stimulant free and NON-GMO while also being under 5 calories per serving! Talk about a pretty sweet profile!
Now that we have covered the basics of what Red Spinach Extract is, let’s talk more about the product itself, Super Spinach.
Flavors: Let us preface the flavor review by saying, if you think about putting a spinach powder into a shaker cup and drinking it, your probably are making the same face we were when we thought about it. We assumed it would be a greenish powder that tastes earthy and bitter that would be a struggle to choke down. We were wrong.
This product has little to no noticeable earthy taste. In fact, if it wasn’t for the dark greenish and almost brown color that comes of it when mixing, you could easily mistake this for your favorite crystal light or other water flavoring packet. That is how good this stuff tastes.
The mixability is great as well, it is smooth and shakes up in a water bottle very well. Any grainy particles that you would expect from a spinach or greens product are totally non-existent! We mixed this up in anywhere from 8-20oz of water, both in water and with other beverages like unsweetened iced tea mixes and pre workouts, and the flavor, mixability, and anything else you could possibly think of were absolutely great.
Lemon Iced Tea- The lemon iced tea flavor is about as close to a classic iced tea flavor with the tartness of lemon that you could get. Again, if you take the color away, you probably wouldn’t even realize it wasn’t a crystal light packet! The flavor is also refreshing and leaves no weird aftertaste that some plant-based products can leave. One of the greatest things about the Lemon Iced Tea flavor is that adding this to your favorite sports drink, pre-workout, or even normal tea gives it a boost of flavor without the added sweetness. Since we generally mix a bunch of stuff together in our pre-workout shaker, we were surprised that it didn’t leave our pre-workout cocktail tasting too uniquely strong!
Peach Mango- Peach mango was an even bigger surprise to us given the fact that the market is flooded with this flavor scheme and it seems they all taste the same. This peach mango blows away just about every other flavor on the market. The mango flavoring comes through right away and is both sweet and a little tart. As it fades away, you get the peach taste which resembles more of a peach juice, rather than a peach green tea type flavor that many products tastes like. We really enjoyed the tartness this flavor brings and know you will too!

We really already covered the ingredient label but we will go over some important bullet points that we noticed with Super Spinach
• One scoop (2.4g) yields no real caloric value making it great for anybody who is counting calories/sugar.
• The product contains 15mg of calcium and 130mg of potassium. Despite this being a fairly small amount, both are important electrolytes necessary for proper body functioning.
• You are getting the clinically tested dose of 1g of Red Spinach in every scoop.
• As we stated before this product is sugar free, gluten free, oxalate free, caffeine and stimulant free, and contains no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners (they use stevia, natural flavoring and beta carotene)
Price and our thoughts
What more can we say; Super Spinach absolutely blew us away! The product did exactly what it was supposed to both in and out of the gym. We experienced improved vascularity and better pumps in the gym, while our veins were noticeably “popped” while out of the gym. The product also helped us to carry a pump for longer. On top of this, while the evidence is anecdotal, the last two weeks we seemed to recovery better after longer training sessions. It makes sense however, because of the improved blood flow and ability to deliver nutrients to the muscles. Right now, if you visit and purchase Super Spinach, you are looking at $39.99. However, if you enter the code MODERN25 at checkout, you will receive an additional 25% off of your total bringing the price down to $30; one dollar per day for a proven premium health and wellness product!
This product isn’t just something that is going to help you in the gym, the phytonutrients, improved cardiovascular health, and improvement of healthy circulation and blood pressure are well worth the price. We think its worth trying for yourself to see how this little red plant can improve various facets of your life and health. It’s time to add more greens, or in this case, reds into your diet with Nuvital Super Spinach!